
  1.  William Fotheringham. Fotheringham's Sporting Pastimes. Anova Books. 2007: 50. ISBN 1-86105-953-1.
  2. 移至^ 'Driven mad' Rubik's nut weeps on solving cube... after 26 years of trying, Daily Mail Reporter, 12th January 2009.
  3. 移至^ Daintith, John. A Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists. Bristol: Institute of Physics Pub. 1994: 771. ISBN 0-7503-0287-9.
  4. 移至^ William Lee Adams. The Rubik's Cube: A Puzzling SuccessTIME. 2009-01-28 [2009-02-05].
  5. 移至^ Alastair Jamieson. Rubik's Cube inventor is back with Rubik's 360The Daily Telegraph. 2009-01-31 [2009-02-05].
  6. 移至:6.0 6.1 http://www.rubiks.com/World/Cube%20facts.aspx
  7. 移至:7.0 7.1 7.2http://www.rubiks.com/World/Rubiks%20history.aspx
  8. 移至^ 二階魔術方塊美國專利 4,378,117,四階魔術方塊美國專利 4,421,311
  9. 移至^ 五階魔術方塊美國專利 4,600,199
  10. 移至:10.0 10.1 10.2 WCA官方紀錄. 2009-08-16 [2009-08-24].
  11. 移至^ [Media:Disassembled Rubik's cube.jpg Media:Disassembled Rubik's cube.jpg]
  12. 移至^ Joyner, David (2002). Adventures in group theory: Rubik's Cube, Merlin's machine, and Other Mathematical Toys. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 7. ISBN 978-0-8018-6947-1.
  13. 移至:13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 WCA比賽規則. 2009-02-06 [2009-08-24].
  14. 移至^ [1][2]鑽石魔術方塊、斜轉方塊和終極斜方的關係
  15. 移至^ 立方體和正三角形的關係
  16. 移至:16.0 16.1 16.2 V-CUBE
  17. 移至^ Over The Top 17x17x17 - Part 1 of 7. Shapeways.com.
  18. 移至^ http://www.bedardpuzzles.com/index.php?puzzle/30網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2012-11-09.
  19. 移至^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE-fZ5ETCPQ
  20. 移至^http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/expensive70.html
  21. 移至^ 3.253秒破解魔術方塊! 英國快手機器人打破世界紀錄
  22. 移至^ Team, Discuz! Team and Comsenz UI. 魔方小站論壇 最新版Cube Explorer 4.64簡體中文90%漢化版新鮮出爐!!由本人親自漢化 魔方教程|魔方視頻|魔方玩法|魔方公式 - Powered by Discuz!. bbs.rubik.com.cn. 魔術方塊小站論壇. [2017-05-16]. |author1=|last1=只需其一 (幫助)
  23. 移至^ Tom Rokicki. Twenty-Five Moves Suffice for Rubik's Cube (PDF)[2008-03-24].
  24. 移至^ Solidot - 魔方的終結還原步數是20步.
  25. 移至^ God's Number is 20/



  • World Cube Association Official Results
  • Handbook of Cubik Math by Alexander H. Frey, Jr. and David Singmaster
  • Notes on Rubik's 'Magic Cube' ISBN 978-0-89490-043-3 by David Singmaster
  • Metamagical Themas by Douglas R. Hofstadter contains two insightful chapters regarding Rubik's Cube and similar puzzles, originally published as articles in the March 1981 and July 1982 issues of Scientific American.
  • Four-Axis Puzzles by Anthony E. Durham.
  • Mathematics of the Rubik's Cube Design ISBN 978-0-8059-3919-4 by Hana M. Bizek
  • 柯利弗德·皮寇弗; 陳以禮(翻譯). The Math Book:From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics [數學之書]. 時報文化. 2013-04-16. ISBN 978-957-135-699-0 (中文(繁體)‎).




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